Report an Issue

Report an Issue or Concern

Did you know? Our community has many common areas, including the field by Juliette and South Roxboro, areas behind and between homes, medians in the roadways, and more. The doggy stations, benches, trees, monuments (stone signs with neighborhood names), and plants are all paid for by your homeowners dues. We also contract with numerous service providers and want to make sure they are serving us well. You can help us better steward the neighborhood by reporting issues when you see them, such as:

  • Damage or overall wear of benches, doggy stations, monuments, trash receptacles, and more
  • Issues with plants, such as sustaining damage, dying, or not being properly maintained
  • Trees in common areas that are at risk of damaging property
  • Problems with individual properties, such as a overgrown branches in sidewalks, issues impacting your own home, and rules violations
  • Any issues with our contracted service providers, including security and landscaping services
  • Common areas in need to mowing or maintenance

Just fill out the form below, and if you’d like to be notified of steps we are taking to resolve the issue, enter your email address as well.

What is this issue or concern related to?(Required)
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    Your email will only be used to communicate any follow up actions that have been taken. All submissions are considered anonymous.