Trash and Recycling

Trash and Recycling

The City of Durham provides bins to residents and handles all waste pickup. To learn more about collection schedules, recycling guidelines, signing up for yard waste service, and scheduling a large item pickup, please visit the City of Durham Solid Waste Management website. The following additional rules apply to all HVFN homeowners.

  • You must keep your garbage, recycling, and yard waste bins on a side of the house that is blocked from view from the street by a shrubbery, approved barrier, or at least 5 feet from the front corner of the house. See Appendix A for examples.
  • Garbage, recycling, and yard waste bins should be placed curbside no earlier than noon on the day prior to the scheduled pick-up day. They must be moved out of sight no later than the end of pick-up day.
  • You may not consistently leave any trash or bins in your yard.
  • You may leave unwanted items by the curb for a reasonable amount of time (3 days) for large item trash pickup by the City of Durham.
  • Requests for large item trash pick up can be submitted through or the Durham One Call app.


Improperly Stored Bins

Properly Stored Bins